Natural Treatments For Ovarian Cysts

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Monday, January 12, 2009

Determining Ovarian Cyst Symptoms and Diagnosis Early On

Ovarian cysts are very painful to have, and this is precisely why it is important to determine ovarian cyst symptoms and diagnosis early on. At its early stages, ovarian cysts will not cause discomfort to women. Some, however, will grow quite rapidly and can cause a lot of harm. Those that are big in size will crowd other organs, particularly the bladders and bowels. This problem leads to bleeding during bowel movements and women will have that uncomfortable feeling of their bladders never being completely emptied. Other symptoms include pain during sexual intercourse and irregular periods accompanied by severe bleeding.

Ovarian cysts or tumors can be active or inactive. The active ones produce hormones while the inactive ones do not and will probably not have manifestations unless they are large. There are two types of tumors – feminizing tumor and masculinizing tumor. With the former type, women who have reached the menopausal period may experience bleeding while girls of pre-puberty age can menstruate and develop breasts or grow body hair. With the latter type, the menstrual period is affected to the point where it stops altogether. Body shape and voice become more masculine as well.

Some cysts grow stems and sometimes, the stems twist – causing intense pain. They also bring about irregular heartbeat and vomiting; this condition is known as torsion, often requiring hospitalization.

In some cases, ovarian cysts will rupture or burst. This can be serious, as the cysts can contain substances that are infected. There could be severe bleeding as well. Like in torsion, the victim will need medical attention in a hospital.

Most cysts, especially the small ones, will not get noticed for years. Many women will find out that they have them only during internal examinations conducted to detect other illnesses or during ultrasound to assist pregnancies.

Once ovarian cysts are detected through an internal examination, an ultrasound will be conducted to validate the findings. A gynecologist, a specialist in women reproductive organ diseases, will then take over. The gynecologist will ask questions about the woman’s age, history of pregnancies, and other specific symptoms. Answers to these questions will help the gynecologist determine the type of cyst and how it can affect the health of the patient. The specialist will probably order another internal examination just to make sure. An ultrasound scan will follow to provide the doctor a more complete and clearer picture of the infected area.

There are two methods of conducting an ultrasound scan – the internal probe and the external probe. Most women will prefer external probe because internal probe, where a tube-like instrument is inserted into their vagina, might prove to be too intrusive and embarrassing. Scan results when added to the other information, will complete the diagnosis.

Women are advised to have regular checkups for ovarian cyst symptoms and diagnosis for their own health and welfare.

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